Google Adsense PIN码收不到,手动快速人工验证的方法

Google Adsense PIN码

Google Adsense 联盟PIN码收不到,需要手动提交申请表单来进行人工验证个人识别码,而大多数人都不知道如何操作,今天小编就给大家讲解一下这其中的流程。

如果你还没有Google Adsense账号你也许对下面文章感兴趣:
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新博客快速申请 Google AdSense 账号获批通过的技巧及答疑

Google Adsense PIN码验证提醒

通常来说 Google Adsense 在你的广告盈利费用达到10美元的时候,就要通过邮寄PIN码来验证 Adsense 账户的地址,由于早前Adsense 一直没管,几个月后登了下才发现要验证PIN码,而账户突然也多了一些美元….

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谷歌官方会在你的账户达到10美元是自动邮寄一次PIN码,默认地址就是你注册Adsense账号是填写的地址,由于本人的账号中间改过几次地址,所以只能再次申请PIN码,一开始不知道PIN码使用次数的意义,所以Adsense自动发一次,我自己手动发一次,还剩一次机会就一直没敢用!!!后来在 Google 产品论坛看到有人说有在线提交表单人工通过PIN验证方法:




Google Adsense PIN码收不到

Google Adsense PIN码人工审核申请表单图


请注意,只有在我们向您发出第三封 PIN(个人识别码)邮件的时间已超过 30 天的情况下,我们才能人工验证您的个人识别码。请耐心等到此期限之后再向我们咨询个人识别码问题,以寻求更快捷的解决方案。

adsense 已经非常清楚的提到三次PIN申请机会用完后一个月,才能用上面人工审核PIN码的提交表单!这虽然有点麻烦,但是总比从美国邮寄PIN码到国内靠谱(感觉根本收不到那快件),就我目前所知,我周边的博主只有两位收到过google的pin码,其中一个就我的好友天使漫步,大家可以看他博文 等了七年的信封-成功收取Google Adsense pin码,因为我没有收到过邮寄的PIN码快件,所以这里给大家看看天使漫步的快件样式:

Google Adsense PIN

Google Adsense PIN码人工验证需要时间



Google Adsense PIN码人工验证提交信息


人工验证PIN码表单提交地址 打开表单验证地址,填写你的收款信息:

AdSense账户收款人中文姓名(无空格)电子邮件地址发布商 ID附件附上您的身份证明,以便我们验证您的 AdSense 帐户中登记的邮政地址的真实性


English Reading

The Google Adsense Alliance PIN is not available, you need to manually submit the application form to manually verify the PIN, and most people don’t know how to do it. Today, Xiaobian will explain the process.

Google Adsense PIN verification reminder

Generally speaking, Google Adsense will verify the address of the Adsense account by mailing the PIN code when your advertising profit reaches $10. Since Adsense has not managed it, it will only be verified after a few months. Code, and the account suddenly has some more dollars….

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Google officially will send a PIN code to your account in the amount of 10 dollars. The default address is the address that you registered for the Adsense account. Since the account has been changed several times in the middle of the account, you can only apply for the PIN again. Know the meaning of the number of times the PIN code is used, so Adsense automatically sends it once, and I manually send it once, and I have never dared to use it with one chance left! ! ! Later in the Google Product Forum, I saw someone saying that there is an online submission form for manual PIN verification:

Manually verify PIN code form address

Manually verify PIN code form submission address

Note: If your PIN has not been used up three times, you may not be able to open this form page, or you will not upload the ID card/identity address attachment. Just after using the third PIN, submit the form. The page changed.

Google Adsense PIN is not received

Google Adsense PIN Manual Manual Application Form

You can see the red part of the picture marked in my screenshot:

Please note that we can manually verify your PIN only if we have sent you a third PIN (Personal Identification Number) message for more than 30 days. Please be patient and wait until after this deadline to ask us for your PIN question for a faster solution.

Adsense has made it very clear that one month after the three PIN application opportunities have been used, the manual submission of the PIN submission form can be used! Although this is a little troublesome, it is better than sending a PIN code from the United States to the domestic reliable (feeling that the express mail is not received). As far as I know, only two of the bloggers around me have received the PIN code of google. A stroll on my friend’s angel, everyone can blog him [wait for seven years of envelopes – successfully received Google Adsense pin code] [17], because I have not received the mail PIN code, so here to show you angels Wandering express style:

Google Adsense PIN

Manual verification of Google Adsense PIN takes time

Starting with a website advertising revenue of $10, it takes 1 month to apply for a PIN to continue the next application, which means you can apply for manual verification after three months.

Once again, please use up three chances to apply for a PIN!

Google Adsense PIN manually validates submissions

Manually verify PIN code form address

Manually verify PIN code form submission address Open the form verification address and fill in your payment information:

AdSense account payee Chinese name (no spaces)Email addressPublisher IDAttach your ID to the attachment so we can verify the authenticity of the postal address registered in your AdSense account

Note that the front and back pictures of your ID card must be submitted in the attachment. The ID card must be the recipient of your Adsense account. After filling in the above information, please submit it. Please check the mailbox and wait for the PIN to be manually verified.

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