RemoteViews类描述了一个View对象能够显示在其他进程中,可以融合从一个 layout资源文件实现布局。虽然该类在android.widget.RemoteViews而不是appWidget下面但在Android Widgets开发中会经常用到它,主要是可以跨进程调用(appWidget由一个服务宿主来统一运行的)。
构造方法 | |||||||||||
RemoteViews(String packageName, int layoutId) 创建一个新的RemoteViews 对象将显示 views包含指定一个layout资源. |
RemoteViews(Parcel parcel) 读取RemoteViews对象从一个parcel中. |
RemoteViews views = new RemoteViews(context.getPackageName(), R.layout.appwidget_provider);
views.setTextViewText(, "Android开发网欢迎您");
appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget(appWidgetId, views);
详细的 该类的公共方法列表,下面的viewId为layout文件中的id定义,常用的方法已经翻译成中文描述。
Public Methods | |||||||||||
View | apply(Context context, ViewGroup parent) Inflates the view hierarchy represented by this object and applies all of the actions. |
int | describeContents() Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable’s marshalled representation. |
int | getLayoutId() | ||||||||||
String | getPackage() | ||||||||||
boolean | onLoadClass(Class clazz) Hook to allow clients of the LayoutInflater to restrict the set of Views that are allowed to be inflated. |
void | reapply(Context context, View v) Applies all of the actions to the provided view. |
void | setBitmap(int viewId, String methodName, Bitmap value) Call a method taking one Bitmap on a view in the layout for this RemoteViews. |
void | setBoolean(int viewId, String methodName, boolean value) Call a method taking one boolean on a view in the layout for this RemoteViews. |
void | setByte(int viewId, String methodName, byte value) Call a method taking one byte on a view in the layout for this RemoteViews. |
void | setChar(int viewId, String methodName, char value) Call a method taking one char on a view in the layout for this RemoteViews. |
void | setCharSequence(int viewId, String methodName, CharSequence value) Call a method taking one CharSequence on a view in the layout for this RemoteViews. |
void | setChronometer(int viewId, long base, String format, boolean started) Equivalent to calling Chronometer.setBase, Chronometer.setFormat, and Chronometer.start() or Chronometer.stop(). |
void | setDouble(int viewId, String methodName, double value) Call a method taking one double on a view in the layout for this RemoteViews. |
void | setFloat(int viewId, String methodName, float value) Call a method taking one float on a view in the layout for this RemoteViews. |
void | setImageViewBitmap(int viewId, Bitmap bitmap) 等同于调用ImageView.setImageBitmap方法,从Bitmap对象中设置一个图片 |
void | setImageViewResource(int viewId, int srcId) 等同于调用ImageView.setImageResource,从一个资源中设置图片 |
void | setImageViewUri(int viewId, Uri uri) 等同于调用ImageView.setImageURI,从URI中设置图像 |
void | setInt(int viewId, String methodName, int value) Call a method taking one int on a view in the layout for this RemoteViews. |
void | setLong(int viewId, String methodName, long value) Call a method taking one long on a view in the layout for this RemoteViews. |
void | setOnClickPendingIntent(int viewId, PendingIntent pendingIntent) Equivalent to calling setOnClickListener(android.view.View.OnClickListener) to launch the provided PendingIntent. |
void | setProgressBar(int viewId, int max, int progress, boolean indeterminate) 等同于调用ProgressBar.setMax, ProgressBar.setProgress, and ProgressBar.如果indeterminate为true则进度条的最大和最小进度将会忽略 |
void | setShort(int viewId, String methodName, short value) Call a method taking one short on a view in the layout for this RemoteViews. |
void | setString(int viewId, String methodName, String value) Call a method taking one String on a view in the layout for this RemoteViews. |
void | setTextColor(int viewId, int color) 等同于setTextColor(int).,设置文本的颜色 |
void | setTextViewText(int viewId, CharSequence text) 等同于TextView.setText,设置文本内容 |
void | setUri(int viewId, String methodName, Uri value) Call a method taking one Uri on a view in the layout for this RemoteViews. |
void | setViewVisibility(int viewId, int visibility) 等同于调用View.setVisibility,设置该ID控件的可见性 |
void | writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) Flatten this object in to a Parcel. |